Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Measuring the Unmeasurable

Dow Jones is creating a new index of 50 firms working to end AIDS, TB, and malaria: the Global Fund 50 Index. A portion of the royalties will go to the Global Fund. So let's say the value of the index goes up. Does that mean that people think solutions are more likely (and hence want in) or less likely (and hence need more help)?

Easterly and then Ravallion responds to the new Human Development Report's methodology change. R: "I find that the HDI’s valuations of longevity in the new HDI vary from an astonishingly low $0.51 for one extra year of life expectancy in Zimbabwe to $8,800 in Qatar. The valuations are lower than for the old HDI, especially in poor countries."
E: "Previously we were all whining about differences in the value of life of 70 times between rich and poor – now it’s a differential of 17,000 to one."

Okay, sometimes it's actually measurable (with error): The US used 29 million pounds of antibiotics on livestock in 2009. The comments are informative: on the prohibited use antibiotics in poultry, on where the data comes from (pharma, not livestock farms so it's production rather than consumption data)

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